Attain longevity along with good health
As well as providing spiritual benefits, the practice of Pranayama offers longevity while keeping one’s body healthy. Pujya Bapuji says, “Once the rhythm of Pranas is regulated by the practice of Pranayama, the body’s doshas (humours) of vata, pitta and kapha become balanced. Then one doesn’t have to take mainstream medicines or alternative medicines like ‘magnet therapy’ etc.; nor does one need to take any shots of injection needles. Once you thoroughly learn to feel the movements of your Pranas, you will be automatically free from many botherations.
The mind, Prana and Body are interconnected. When the Prana becomes restless the mind becomes restless and when the mind is restless the body also becomes restless. Similarly, a restless body leads to restlessness of mind as well as Pranas. The disturbance in even one of these three elements leads to the disturbance in the other two as well.
A child’s pranas flow rhythmically and its mind is free from any sort of desires, passions, anxiety or stress. So the child remains happy. However, as it grows older, and its desires & passions arise, it turns restless.
Now what are we are supposed to do? By means of spiritual disciplines like Pranayama or watching the breath, we should increase the bioelectric energy in our body so as to keep our body healthy. Rhythmic breathing makes the mind one-pointed. A concentrated mind gets peace in Samadhi (the highest state of meditation). There is mention in scriptures of people being in the state of Samadhi up to 80,000 years in olden days; but nobody can remain in the state of deep-sleep for 80,000 years.
If we control our mind and regulate Pranas to some extent we can enter into the state of Samadhi. Well-regulated Pranas retain bioelectric energy in the body.
Benefits of Tribandha Pranayama
With the practice of Pranayama-with-Tribandha [i.e. all the three bandhas, viz. moola bandha (root-lock), uddiyana bandha (navel-lock) and jalandhara bandha (chin-lock) combined], one automatically starts becoming free from passion in his life. Moola bandha (i.e. root-lock) enables one to subdue passions, with uddiyana bandha (navel-lock), one could soar to new heights of progress and jalandhara bandha (chin-lock) boosts one’s intellect. If one daily practices 12 Pranayamas-with-Tribandha in the company of a Self-Realized great man, he/she will become successful in doing Pratyahara (i.e. yogic internalization of mind and senses OR sense withdrawal); and doing 12 Pratyaharas will be a Dharana (power of concentration). With the increase in the power of concentration, mysteries of the nature will start revealing; and sweetness of disposition, uniqueness of intellectual faculties along with robust health will start showing up. 12 such Dharanas will be a dhyana (meditation). Twelve such dhyanas will be a savikalpa Samadhi (determinate Samadhi, i.e. a meditative union with the Absolute) and a twelve such Savikalpa Samadhis will be a Nirvikalpa Samadhi
(indeterminate Samadhi wherein the mind is completely devoid of thoughts).
A sadhaka practicing this for 6 months could become a Siddha-Yogi (a perfected Yogi); Riddhis (nine varieties of extraordinary exaltations and grandeur that come to a Yogi as he advances in Yoga) and Siddhis (miraculous and supernatural powers) bow before him; even Yakshas, Gandharvas and Kinnaras are keen on serving him. Worldly people can fulfill their wishes by taking a religious vow before such a Holy Soul.
Key to becoming a supreme victor
Pranaspandan-nirodhascha: i.e. ‘By the suppression of the movement of Prana’. We have ten organs (Indriyas) that are governed by the mind, which in-turn is governed by Prana. Pranayama is a source of great force. With the regular practice of a few Pranayamas daily an individual will become immune to diseases. Mastery in Pranayama can give infinitely more benefit than what one could gain after doing all worldly tasks and enjoying all worldly facilities.
With the suppression of Pranas, one could conquer the mind and attain peace and tranquility of mind. The more one’s Pranas are suppressed; or the more one knows the technique of controlling the Pranas, the more will one become successful as per the demand of the time. During the state of deep-sleep, it’s your body that gets the rest; whereas when you enter into Samadhi by performing Pranayama, you yourself get the rest. You enter into the true essence of Rama (i.e. the absolute Reality) and then no passions will leave any impact on you. Thus the practice of Pranayama greatly
develops your abilities.
The practice of Pranayama, etc. suppresses mental processes; after which one doesn’t have to do laborious external worship of God; nor does one have to seek gods.”
A sure-fire remedy to increase
Intellectual Strength
People leave no stone unturned to increase their intellect, trying various sorts of medicine or tonic; but to no avail. Pujya Bapuji, sharing an infallible remedy from the treasure of Sanatan Culture, states – “There is a mention of a mantra to increase intellectual strength in ‘Yajurveda’ (32.14)
Yam Medham Devganaah Pitarashchopasate.
Taya Maamadhya Medhyaagne Medhavinam Kuru Swaah.
‘That wisdom that scholars and sages long for; with that wisdom, O God, with Thy truthful speech, make me wise today.’
After doing this prayer, sit in the (Indian style) cross-legged posture with the index-finger under your thumb and rest 3 fingers stretched-out; and chant Aum. Rub the tip of your ring-finger on the tilaka-spot of your forehead (i.e. the spot between the two eyebrows where tilaka is applied). Visualize the image of OM or god at this spot. Inhale deeply through the left nostril, repeat the Divine Name mentally while holding the breath within and then exhale through the right nostril. Now inhale deeply through the right nostril, hold the breath for some time and repeat (the mantra): Hari Aum... Hari Aum... Shanti ... ‘The One, who takes away our sins and afflictions is my Hari. ‘Aum’ means Almighty, the Lord of the entire Universe! My intellect, after being calm in Him, will become endowed with all the great qualities. O Almighty! May my intellect be of the kind that our sages & wise men, ancestors and demigods have been longing for. Hari Aum... Hari Aum... Hari Aum...’ Entertain such thoughts in your mind. Exhale through the left nostril. Perform 1-2 such Pranayamas; and remain quietly seated for some time.”