Tirtharamaji (Swami Ramatirthaji), during his student life, was very fond of the milk of the Desi cow. He would drink cow’s milk from a confectioner everyday. Once, due to financial crunch, he couldn’t pay the confectioner for a month’s worth of milk. A few days later, he was appointed as a professor in a college at Lahore and thus started earning a regular salary. He started sending money to the confectioner every month by money order.
Coincidentally, the confectioner had to visit Lahore and he met Tirtharamaji. Greeting the latter with folded hands, he said: “Tirtharamaji! You owed me money for a month’s worth of milk, but you have been consistently sending me money for the past 6-7 months. I have kept all the money safely and will return the same to you. Please don’t send any more money.”
Tirtharamaji smiled and said: “Brother! I am very grateful to you. It’s because of your obligation back then that I could sustain and maintain my health; and that is the very reason why I am able to work hard today. I am unable to repay your dues adequately, nor will I be able to pay it throughout my life. The man who does not return what he borrowed is referred to as a demon. Those, who return as much as they borrowed are referred to as ‘humans’; and those, who repay manifold what they borrowed and think ‘I have repaid many times more than what I received’, are comparable to ‘gods’; whereas those, who remain forever obliged (and indebted) for any small thing borrowed and try to return it without making calculation, are the ones to attain Direct Realization of Brahman (Absoluteness Consciousness).”
And this is what exactly happened. Professor Tirtharama attained Self-realization and became world-famous as Swami Rama Tirthaji.
When he could be so obliged to a milkman (a confectioner), then how indebted should we be to our SatGurudeva who has given us to the taste of Divine joy by giving Guru-Mantra to save us from grief, sorrow, anxiety, stress and the cycle of birth & death, spiritual discipline, devotional practice and offering a golden opportunity of participating in the divine works through selfless-service. One, who, by way of availing us with the benefits of Bhakti, Jnana and Karma Yoga, leads us on the path to God is a manifestation of Supreme Brahman moving on earth. We cannot thank him adequately by offering anything to Him.