Rishi Prasad- A Spiritual Monthly Publication of Sant Sri Asharam Ji Ashram

How will you celebrate the auspicious Tulsi Worship Day?

Special on Tulsi Worship Day: 25th December

On December 25, we observe Worship Day. This festival Initiated by Pujya Bapuji, has brought revolutionary changes worldwide. Highlighting the significance of Tulsi and the need for this celebration, Bapuji says:
The consumption of Tulsi leaves or even sitting near a Tulsi plant eliminates evil thoughts. Sometimes, I visit and stay in
forests infested with ferocious animals. I ensure I have Tulsi plants in my room, even in those places. You will find
Tulsi plants in my residences. I’ve been associated with Tulsi since childhood, consuming its leaves. My mother used to offer it water. How can I not do the same? Tulsi acts as a shield.
Consuming Tulsi leaves calms the passion of anger and lust. My Guruji said, “The entire garden is, in effect, equal to a
Tulsi plant’. Harmful micro-organisms don’t grow or multiply within a 200 metre radius of a Tulsi grove. Also, phenyl and other
disinfectants kill the germs, but they also pollute the environment. Tulsi purifies the environment without polluting it and
inhibits the growth of harmful germs.
If you are a well-wisher of your children, plant Tulsi plants where they sit, play, and do physical exercise. If you are a wellwisher
of the nation, of humanity, and a beloved of God, don’t miss the chance to plant Tulsi anywhere. If you provide the air
emanated from a Tulsi plant to your children, it is equal to giving them crores or billions of rupees.
Is this a tenet of Jesus?
During the Christmas Season (December 25 to January 1), children indulge in bad behaviour. Alcohol sales are high! Look
at the skyrocketing profits of alcohol companies during that season! Is this a tenet of Jesus Christ? No, he was a great man.
Devising plots to commit violence in the name of a great man who was a preacher of non-violence – can it please Jesus? No.
To please Jesus, follow the path he taught:
‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’
You are over-exploiting others and enjoying comforts yourself. Such comforts make you wanton. I am not an opponent of Christians, Hindus, nor any living being. I am an opponent of moral degeneration. Do not impart such teachings to your children that they give flowers to each other saying, “I love you”, destroy their vital fluid (semen) at a young age, and suffer from leucorrhoea, nocturnal emission, STDs, etc. If you are a Christian, are you a criminal? If you are beloved of God, beloved of Jesus, then you are dear to me as well. If I oppose Christians, my heart is
not human. I don’t agree that anyone is my enemy. I don’t agree with anything that causes harm to anyone.
सब तुम्हारे तुम सभीके, फासले दिल से हटा दो ।
“Everyone is yours, and you belong to everyone. Remove the differences from your heart.”
If there is space in or near Christian’s homes, persuade them to plant a Tulsi plant there. There are many Muslim brothers who
plant and nurture Tulsi plants, and there are many Christian brothers who wear Tulsi rosaries. Some Christians visit our ashram
and use Tulsi beads for prayer. Is a Christian, a Hindu, or a Muslim bad? No.

जग में बुरा कोई नहीं जो मनवा शीतल होय ।
अपना राग-द्वेष छोड़ दे तो प्रेम करे सब कोय ।।

“No one is bad if your mind is pure and cool. If you leave your attachment and aversion aside, everyone will have affection for you.”
Celebrate Tulsi Worship Day with the aim of ‘May auspiciousness betide all, may good betide all.’ Organise the ‘Vishwa
Guru BhÍrat SaptÍha’ from 25th to 31st December.
Remove poverty and be prosperous.
Reading near a Tulsi plant will help you memorise it, and doing japa near a Tulsi plant will incr ease merits a hundredfold. Understand, children! Lighting a diyÍ (earthen lamp) near a Tulsi plant and circumambulating it 108 times while chanting ‘Lakshmi NÍrÍyaÔa, NÍrÍyaÔa, NÍrÍyaÔa…’ will bring wealth, prosperity, and remove poverty. It won’t happen in one day. If you doubt
whether it will happen, it will not happen. Shoot the doubt and start doing japa with implicit trust that it must happen. The defects of the five senses start reducing.
Also, try this remedy.
Try the divine human laughing exercise while circumambulating the Tulsi plant after worshipping it. Let students
participate in it. They will develop good character. Even if someone is your opponent, make them and their family
participants in this. It will ward off their diseases like hypertension, low blood pressure, etc., and the goblin of stress will
flee. Laugh a lot on this day.
‘Hari om… Hari om… Guru om… Guru om... om… om… Mother Tulsi om om… the destroyer of disease om om… the bestowed of good sense om om… hÍ…hÍ…hÍ…hÍ…’
“Laugh, and the world laughs with you, Weep, and you weep alone.”
People will say, ‘They are mad. They are Bapuji’s disciples…’ Let them be mad.
They have learned the knack, how to improve health and memory power, and how to get rid of stomach problems and passion. You will do deep breathing automatically while doing this practice. It will strengthen your lungs.
Tulsi-worship method
On December 25, take your morningbath and place the Tulsi plant in a high place.
Then offer water to it while chanting the following mantra:
महाप्रसादजननी सर्वसौभाग्यवर्धिनी ।
आधिव्याधिहरा नित्यं तुलसि त्वां नमोऽस्तु ते ।।
MahÍprasÍdajananÐ sarvasaubhÍgyavardhinÐ |
ÀdhivyÍdhihara nityaÒ tulsi twaÒ namostu te ||
Then apply a Tilaka on your forehead while chanting the mantra: ‘Tulsyai Namah’; offer unbroken rice and flowers with some PrasÍda
(sweetmeat) to the deity of the Tulsi plant. Light a lamp and perform Írati. Circumambulate the Tulsi plant 7, 11, 21, 51, or 108 times. Sit down in this pious environment and pray to God. Do Japa of the Name Divine or your Guru-mantra. Consecrate
the PrasÍda by adding some Tulsi leaves to it and distribute the same.